Open Ports and Services

Check open ports and running services in all port range against our target with a SYN scan

  • Command: nmap -sS -sV -p-
  • Notes:
    • If cannot recognize a service, you’ll see a doom? value
    • All Web Apps can be analyzed with Nikto and OWASP

      Exploits and vulnerabilities

      Command nmap -sS -p 21 --script=exploit,vuln Check and note down CVEs one by one on each port

SMPT Services

For SMPT service, check which methods are enabled - nmap -sS -sV -p 25 --script=auth,default,exploit,vuln - VRFY method: allows us to get existing user accounts in the domain - smpt-user-enum --help

Web Apps

  • Command: nikto -host
  • Which crossdomain policy has: go to browser I.e. wildcard entry (wrong config)
  • Check interesting routes found: is accessible? (Later, use dictionary attack - ‘guest’ / ‘’)
  • Alternatively use OWASP ZAP automated scan

Machine/Domain info

  • Command on Samba ports: enum4linux -a
  • Find versions, user accounts, shared resources, password policies

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