• Online Tools
  • Custom Word List generator (CeWL) : CeWL spiders a given URL, up to a specified depth, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers.

    cewl -m 8 -e --email_file ./emails.txt -d 0 -w ./diccio https://twitter.com/hackbysecurity?lang=es

  • Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP): generate commmon passwords dictionaries based on personal information from the target. You can also import and mutate existing dictionaries. Download from source: cupp

    python3 cupp.py -i

  • The Harvester: using different search engines. Must first configure API Keys:

    nano /etc/theHarvester/api-keys.yaml

    theHarvester -d hackbysecurity.com -s -b google -n -f ./report

    --dns-lookup: check to which IP address corresponds the domain name and will look at the range of IP addresses if there are subdomains. Direct and inverse domain resolutions

  • Dmitry: perform whois, subdomaind and mails search.

    dmitry -w hackbysecurity.com -n -s -e

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